Why Joy Consulting Group ?

When you need the best traffic engineering advice for your client’s case or project you need Joy Consulting Group.

Joy Consulting Group was established in 1991 and quickly became the “go to” practice for advice and expertise in a wide range of matters related to traffic safety and vehicle and plant accidents.  Many of our law-firm clients have using our expert services for over 20 years.

The rigorous scientific approach which is applied to investigation and analysis of all matters has gained Joy Consulting Group a reputation for effectiveness amongst clients.

We are proud of our reputation for providing the highest level of professionalism in our field.

We can provide you with:

Traffic/Transportation Engineering

  • Concept planning
  • Traffic management design
  • Safety audit and risk evaluation

Expert Services*

  • Crash analysis & reporting
  • Case evaluation & advice
  • Investigation & research
  • Technical briefing
  • Expert evidence

* Please note that the expert services are provided to legal representatives.